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This is a brief description of the service ...

Key Benefits

bulletFacilitates the building process
bulletAnswers any "gray area" questions related to fire protection requirements for your building
bulletAllows you to focus on construction, not paperwork


We are a team of professionals that can quickly identify and report on any gaps or deficiencies in the design of the building. We are available to you on-site, if need be, to clarify any questions. A full report is generated, listing all requirements.

On-site Inspections
We will come out to your construction site, as often as necessary, to ensure that the proper work is being completed.
Blueprint Analysis
We will consult with you during the design process, to ensure that all requirements are in place on your drawings, prior to submission.
Permit Submissions
We can act as your intermediary in applying for all of the appropriate permits, so that you can focus on construction.

Reference Accounts

Liquor Control Board of Ontario
Fire Safety Plans and Fire Warden Training
Fire Safety Plan and Fire Warden Training
Hungarian Canadian Cultural Center
Fire protection consultation
And many, many, more................



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Copyright © 2002 M. G. Thiele and Associates
Last modified: May 19, 2002