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Fire Code Inspections
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This is a brief description of the service ...

Key Benefits

bulletYour building complies with Fire Code requirements
bulletProduces a fire safe building
bulletFire insurance inspection requirements are complied with

Code Inspections

Once fire protection equipment has been installed, it must be periodically maintained and inspected to comply with local Fire Code requirements. Our inspection service ensures that the company that you have contracted to do the work is performing the work properly. As well, we inspect other areas of your building, not inspected by your fire protection contractors, to ensure that your building complies with all aspects of the Code.

General Fire Code Inspections
All areas of your building are inspected to ensure compliance with the Code. A full report is generated, outlining all deficiencies and suggested corrective measures. 
LLBO Inspections
A detailed inspection of your business is conducted and a comprehensive report is generated with suggestions for Code compliance in order to facilitate obtaining your liquor licence.
Fire Protection Equipment Testing
Fire protection equipment is inspected and performance tested to ensure proper operation within applicable Standards.

Reference Accounts

Liquor Control Board of Ontario
Fire Safety Plans and Fire Warden Training
Fire Safety Plan and Fire Warden Training
Hungarian Canadian Cultural Center
Fire protection consultation
And many, many, more................



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Copyright © 2002 M. G. Thiele and Associates
Last modified: May 19, 2002