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This is a brief description of the service ...

Key Benefits

bulletEnsures all of your employees are familiar with the required fire safety emergency procedures
bulletBrings you and your employees "up to speed" on the latest changes to the relevant legislation
bulletSaves the expense of keeping "in house" trainers

Types of Training

We specialize in all aspects of fire safety training. Fire Warden training, retrofit training, fire safety training and fire prevention training is taught in four hour modules, and is tailored to your needs. Training your employees ensures that they know what to do, and when to do it!

Fire warden Training 
Your wardens are trained in the specific procedures they must follow, in case of emergency, in your building.
Retrofit Training
Professionals, such as real estate agents and contractors, are trained in the specific retrofit aspects that they must be familiar with.
Fire Prevention Training
Familiarize your employees with the municipal-specific procedures to follow when the Fire Service responds to your building. Good training for on-site security personnel. Train all employees in fire prevention procedures, specific to your company.

Reference Accounts

Liquor Control Board of Ontario
Fire Safety Plans and Fire Warden Training
Fire Safety Plan and Fire Warden Training
Hungarian Canadian Cultural Center
Fire protection consultation
And many, many, more................



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Copyright © 2002 M. G. Thiele and Associates
Last modified: May 19, 2002