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Retrofit Inspections




This is a brief description of the service ...

Key Benefits

bulletCode Compliant Building
bulletDecreased Insurance Premiums
bulletFire Safe Building

Occupancies Inspected

All aspects of Retrofit are covered: means of egress, early warning system, compartmentalization, and suppression. All occupancies that must be retrofitted are covered: Assembly, Rooming Houses, Institutional, Low Rise Residential, High Rise Residential, and Two-Unit Residential. All applicable Building Code and Fire Code references are utilized in each of the inspections, and a detailed audit is generated. Certification services are also available.

Such as theaters, schools, arenas, or any building or part of a building where large numbers of people can congregate. 
Rooming Houses
A small building where washroom, storage  and kitchen facilities are shared by the occupants of the building. Tenants have separate sleeping rooms.
Such as hospitals and nursing homes. 
Low Rise Residential
A small building consisting of individual apartments, where sleeping, eating and washroom facilities are not shared by the occupants of the building.
High Rise Residential
A large building consisting of individual apartments, where sleeping, eating and washroom facilities are not shared by the occupants of the building.
Two-Unit Residential
Small residential buildings that contain no more than two separate apartment units.

Reference Accounts

Liquor Control Board of Ontario
Fire Safety Plans and Fire Warden Training
Fire Safety Plan and Fire Warden Training
Hungarian Canadian Cultural Center
Fire protection consultation
And many, many, more................



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Copyright © 2002 M. G. Thiele and Associates
Last modified: May 19, 2002